• 10

    You never know what the day will bring. Or, Marsha, Marsha, Marsha!

    I’d been on the road, shooting events and green screen photo executions in rapid succession that would put a politician canvassing Iowa during a primary season to shame. One week:  six cities in 7 days.  And these were major events, one after another, in rapid succession.  Stressful with travel, juggling client requests, and even weather. […]

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  • 29

    Final Thoughts on Team (From 35,000 feet).

    When you see graphs of successful businesses, the arrows always head one way: up.  But in reality, that’s not how business works.  Like life, business serves ups and downs; a successful business has more ups than downs, and a very successful business has ups and flats. And it’s funny.  I look forward to the time […]

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